Harvesting Rain Water In Tanks – An Environmentally Friend Solution

January 3 by : admin

Installing a rain water tank does not only allow you to save water. It helps you save a significant amount of money on water and electricity bills and most importantly, exempts you from water restrictions that are being increasingly imposed over the past decade. Moreover, a rain water tank undoubtedly adds value to your home. Being an important resource, we need to be very careful when using water. Merely paying a water bill does not make us a responsible citizen. Many 4 activities such as watering the lawn and garden, flushing toilets, laundry, and washing our cars can best be accomplished with rainwater rather than using precious water that comes from the main supply.

Environmentally Friendly

Rain water harvesting has gained momentum in urban Australia as well because of its long-term economical benefits and environmentally friendly qualities as well. Urban cities like Melbourne and Sydney are hard pressed for water due to a higher demand that often leads to harsher government restrictions. However, there is much to cheer about since the government is equally generous in offering rebates to those who install rainwater tanks and lessen the burden on the city’s water supply.

Who to Choose?

There are many manufacturers of quality rain water tanks that come in all shapes, volumes, and sizes. You will find a range of aesthetically designed tanks to suit your needs. This includes slimline tanks that are streamlined to fit in the toughest of spaces without compromising on storage capacity. Many homes and industries rely on rain water tanks for a variety of purposes including swimming pools and other domestic use as well. Many of our cities experience long, dry summers, where rainwater can prove to be a boon. Rain water tanks are designed to inner suburban homes that are short on outdoor space as well. Many companies offer custom built tanks to suit the smallest spaces and odd shapes. This includes a variety of underground tanks in order to overcome space restraints.

Large Choice

There are hundreds of rain water tanks to choose from. The one you choose will depend on a number of factors. This includes the size of your family, your needs, and the type of rainfall in your area. The first thing is to decide the features you want in a tank and the amount of water your family utilizes on average. To water a garden a small tank may be just enough. However, if you consider connecting it indoors to the toilets and washing, you may require a tank with great storage capacity. The good thing is you have a choice of tanks with storage capacities from 100 litres to 25,000 litres and more. There is an amazing range of rain water tanks in a variety of designs including slimline, round, and underground tanks. These tanks are made from the highest quality material and are designed to store water safely for a long period. It is always prudent to seek the help of a professional to determine the best type of rain water tank to suit your needs.